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From Brazil to Berlin: Special pieces of jewellery from Brazil and Dubai Jewelry

Visitors looking for jewellery to keep or to give away will find what they are looking for at the Brazil and Dubai Jewelry stand. Here, hand-forged jewellery by artisans from Brazil will be presented. The story of this exhibitor begins in Curitiba, a vibrant city in the south of Brazil. In the midst of increasing industrialisation, Anwar, the founder of Brazil and Dubai Jewelry, made unique jewellery. He was a master goldsmith - a craft that was becoming increasingly rare in times of mass production. A creative atmosphere prevailed in Anwar's workshop, where the soft, rhythmic hum of polishing machines could be heard as he carefully worked on his latest creation - a handmade, gold-plated necklace with intertwined patterns.

Each piece Anwar created reflected his passion for the craft and was a testament to his tireless efforts to preserve the art of blacksmithing. But the rapid development of machine manufacturing presented him with challenges.

colorful jewellery with pearls at a stand.

© MKR Imports

The challenges of craftsmanship in times of mass production

As industrial mining expanded, it became increasingly difficult to find quality materials, especially ethically sourced gold. Anwar travelled widely and struggled to find small mining companies that were as committed as he was to responsible sourcing. Financial challenges also constantly accompanied him: Anwar's handmade and unique jewellery competed strongly with industrially produced alternatives. He was often faced with the dilemma of setting prices that reflected true value while remaining affordable to those who appreciated his craftsmanship.

Despite all the obstacles, Anwar remained true to his craft. He spent countless hours perfecting his techniques, preserving the ancient traditions of jewellery making and infusing his creations with innovative designs that combined classic and modern. With each step in the making, he resisted the uniformity of the modern world. His jewellery demonstrated the enduring value of craftsmanship in an age of mass production. In his studio were numerous precious metals, gemstones and tools that bore witness to many hours of artistic work.

Over the years, Anwar's exceptional jewellery gained notoriety and attracted many customers who appreciated original and individual jewellery. His creations adorned necks, wrists and fingers, and each piece told a story of tradition, passion and the enduring beauty of handmade jewellery.

Anwar's life is a reminder of the many artisans who held on to the principles of art despite industrialisation. Today, his story is a testament to the enduring value of handmade jewellery in a world that often favours automated production, and an inspiration to the artisans at Brazil and Dubai Jewelry.

Brazil and Dubai Jewelry

Halle 18 | 204

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